Saturday, June 4, 2011

Farewell To The Rut

  1. An uncomfortable situation or place, of which there is no easy way out.
  2. A low point in one's life. It can be boring, sad, or frustrating.

Looking back at this last year I would say that I have definitely been in a rut, the ruttiest of ruts. But, I am turning over a new leaf. I must say that I am embarrassed and ashamed of who I have let myself become. How I was acting is not even who I am. I have been so negative and unhappy, and that is just not me.

I really felt that I was in such a low point in my life mostly because I don't have the job I want, and it frustrating to the point of tears. But, I am tired of being that depressed, sad person. I like being happy. I miss being happy.  

I have been talking some big initiatives like volunteering a the American Heart Association doing their social media and media impression. I absolutely love being there a bazillion times more then being at my real  other job. I just know there is another non-profit out there just waiting to hire me.

Just to update I am doing a superb job on keeping up with my current set of goals. And, am happy to say that I have ever intention of keeping it that way.

Also, I am becoming more and more savvy about Twitter and I am loving it. It is amazing to me when someone I don't know follows me and tweets me. I find it incredible, and I love it. Mostly because I love meeting new people and learning about them, and it is a whole new window into the lives of others.

So, goodbye rut of my life. I will not longer play prisoner to you. I am liberating myself away from self-pity and self-loathing. I love me. (smileyface)

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