- Working at a Non-Profit
- Being a comedian
- Make a Difference
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Dreams #Trust30
Write down your top three dreams. Now write down what’s holding you back from them.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Weird Things I Judge People For. (Even though I Don't Judge)
Good Things
- If you drink Pepsi (Mt Dew) over Coke
- If you like Roseanne
- If you think Chelsea Handler is funny
- If you believe Hillary Clinton is awesome and has the answers to all this counties issues
- Knowing that racism is still every evident in today's society and you recognize the difficulties of be black or another marginalized culture
- Laughing often
- Loving me
- Being consistently negative
- Letting you dog/pets touch me
- Not being open to suggestion
- Thinking that black people get special treatment for being black
My Family Reunion
This weekend was .. my family reunion ..
Okay, okay. I am not much of a family person, well I mean I am not much for my family. I love other peoples family.
to be continued...
Okay, okay. I am not much of a family person, well I mean I am not much for my family. I love other peoples family.
to be continued...
Fear #Trust30
Is fear holding you back from living your fullest life and being truly self expressed? Put yourself in the shoes of the you who’s already lived your dream and write out the answers to the following:
Is the insecurity you’re defending worth the dream you’ll never realize? or the love you’ll never venture? or the joy you’ll never feel?
Will the blunder matter in 10 years? Or 10 weeks? Or 10 days? Or 10 minutes?
Can you be happy being anything less than who you really are?
Now Do. The Thing. You Fear.
I am a victim to my own fears. I know I should know better but, facing your own fears alone is not always fun or easy. And, to just be honest I very much enjoy fun and easy. In fact I very much prefer fun and easy.
I am definitely a person who suffers from the need of approval. As shocking as it may sounds. Yes, I care what people think (for the most part). I love to be loved.
It is that need for acceptance that keeps me form 'stepping out of the box' I guess.
Glen Evans a work in progress.
At the moment I can deal with this. I am use to this.
Is the insecurity you’re defending worth the dream you’ll never realize? or the love you’ll never venture? or the joy you’ll never feel?
Will the blunder matter in 10 years? Or 10 weeks? Or 10 days? Or 10 minutes?
Can you be happy being anything less than who you really are?
Now Do. The Thing. You Fear.
I am a victim to my own fears. I know I should know better but, facing your own fears alone is not always fun or easy. And, to just be honest I very much enjoy fun and easy. In fact I very much prefer fun and easy.
I am definitely a person who suffers from the need of approval. As shocking as it may sounds. Yes, I care what people think (for the most part). I love to be loved.
It is that need for acceptance that keeps me form 'stepping out of the box' I guess.
Glen Evans a work in progress.
At the moment I can deal with this. I am use to this.
Alternative Paths #Trust30
The world buzzes about goals and visions. Focus. Create a vivid picture of exactly where you want to go. Dream big, then don’t let anything or anyone stop you. The problem, as Daniel Gilbert wrote in Stumbling Upon Happiness, is that we’re horrible at forecasting how we’ll really feel 10 or 20 years from now – once we’ve gotten what we dreamed of. Often, we get there only to say, “That’s not what I thought it would be,” and ask, “What now?” Ambition is good. Blind ambition is not. It blocks out not only distraction, but the many opportunities that might take you off course but that may also lead you in a new direction. Consistent daily action is only a virtue when bundled with a willingness to remain open to the unknown. In this exercise, look at your current quest and ask, “What alternative opportunities, interpretations and paths am I not seeing?” They’re always there, but you’ve got to choose to see them.
Before I just write IDK, I Think that the alternative opportunities I'm not seeing must involve money. I have none. Sad day me.
The prompt was beautiful, unfortunately my creative mind can not form any other interpretations at this moment. Though, I do long to be on of path that I can enrich other lives with my kindness, and one day soon be working at either a food bank, or a youth services organization.
"Kindness move mountains" - Dianna Agron
Before I just write IDK, I Think that the alternative opportunities I'm not seeing must involve money. I have none. Sad day me.
The prompt was beautiful, unfortunately my creative mind can not form any other interpretations at this moment. Though, I do long to be on of path that I can enrich other lives with my kindness, and one day soon be working at either a food bank, or a youth services organization.
"Kindness move mountains" - Dianna Agron
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Afraid to Do #Trust30
Emerson says: “Always do what you are afraid to do.” What is ‘too scary’ to write about? Try doing it now.
My first reaction to todays prompt was "Thanks, but no thanks."
This is a super hard one for me! Below is a list of things that I am considering writing about.
My first reaction to todays prompt was "Thanks, but no thanks."
This is a super hard one for me! Below is a list of things that I am considering writing about.
- To die.
- To fail.
- Being unpopular.
- To move.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Five Years #Trust30
What would you say to the person you were five years ago? What will you say to the person you’ll be in five years?
Five years ago I was getting ready to start my freshman year of college! Probably the mostdrunken dramatic 4 years of my life.
First I would tell myself (me) that during my junior year over spring break don't get that PI. Because a lot of people will talk a lot of crap about you. It totally sucks.
Also, I would tell myself to take better care of my car(s), because if you don't you will go through 5 by time you graduate college, and Grandpa is will not be happy about it.
I would say be kind to everyone, and don't get mad at your friends (and don't do things that will make them mad at you). And to the best of your ability don't make any enemies. It is not worth it.
Oh, and you should probably minor in psychology, because you will have a better chance at getting a job (that I want).
And whatever you do do not miss Kensie's wedding, for the love of God do not miss Kensie's wedding. You have no idea how much you will regret it.
Work out more. (Or at least just work out some)
Take as many graphic design classes as possible (they are the future), and volunteer at DHS.
Study harder, and don't be lazy.
Always remember you only live once.
Oh, and if you ever feel the need to dye your hair brown, don't, I repeat DON'T. It will most likely turn out red(ish) and it will look horrible, and the school news paper will put a picture of you on the cover, and you want to die. Blond is beautiful and awesome and it fits you.
As for I would say to myself five years from now .. well I only have questions.
Like umm .. Do I ever get my dream job? And, Have I committed suicide yet, yes or no?
Probably would ask if I am happy, and if ABC brought back All My Children?
Also is Hillary Clinton President yet?
Five years ago I was getting ready to start my freshman year of college! Probably the most
First I would tell myself (me) that during my junior year over spring break don't get that PI. Because a lot of people will talk a lot of crap about you. It totally sucks.
Also, I would tell myself to take better care of my car(s), because if you don't you will go through 5 by time you graduate college, and Grandpa is will not be happy about it.
I would say be kind to everyone, and don't get mad at your friends (and don't do things that will make them mad at you). And to the best of your ability don't make any enemies. It is not worth it.
Oh, and you should probably minor in psychology, because you will have a better chance at getting a job (that I want).
And whatever you do do not miss Kensie's wedding, for the love of God do not miss Kensie's wedding. You have no idea how much you will regret it.
Work out more. (Or at least just work out some)
Take as many graphic design classes as possible (they are the future), and volunteer at DHS.
Study harder, and don't be lazy.
Always remember you only live once.
Oh, and if you ever feel the need to dye your hair brown, don't, I repeat DON'T. It will most likely turn out red(ish) and it will look horrible, and the school news paper will put a picture of you on the cover, and you want to die. Blond is beautiful and awesome and it fits you.
As for I would say to myself five years from now .. well I only have questions.
Like umm .. Do I ever get my dream job? And, Have I committed suicide yet, yes or no?
Probably would ask if I am happy, and if ABC brought back All My Children?
Also is Hillary Clinton President yet?
Monday, June 6, 2011
Dare To Be Bold #Trust30
A child has no trouble believing the unbelievable, nor does the genius or the madman. Its only you and I, with our big brains and our tiny hearts, who doubt and over think and hesitate.” - Steven Pressfield, Do the Work
The idea of “being realistic” holds all of us back. From starting a business or quitting a job to dating someone who may not be our type or moving to a new place – getting “real” often means putting your dreams on hold.
Today, let’s take a step away from rational thought and dare to be bold. What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to accomplish but have been afraid to pursue? Write it down. Also write down the obstacles in your way of reaching your goal. Finally, write down a tangible plan to overcome each obstacle.
The only thing left is to, you know, actually go make it happen. What are you waiting for?
One thing I really want to do is be a Comedian. I Think I am hilarious. My wittiness is common knowledge amongst myfriends people. I had a terrible childhood, I come from a poor family, my parents have both been incarcerated for drugs, and I was a ward of the state, so I lived with my grandparents for most of my life. Obviously all the factor that would contribute to a person becoming a very famous and celebrated comedy genius are there.
Hmm... on to the 'To Do' list ... where to start?
*I wonder what the author of this prompt would think if he read my post.
The idea of “being realistic” holds all of us back. From starting a business or quitting a job to dating someone who may not be our type or moving to a new place – getting “real” often means putting your dreams on hold.
Today, let’s take a step away from rational thought and dare to be bold. What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to accomplish but have been afraid to pursue? Write it down. Also write down the obstacles in your way of reaching your goal. Finally, write down a tangible plan to overcome each obstacle.
The only thing left is to, you know, actually go make it happen. What are you waiting for?
One thing I really want to do is be a Comedian. I Think I am hilarious. My wittiness is common knowledge amongst my
Hmm... on to the 'To Do' list ... where to start?
- write a show.
- locate local comedy club.
- practice, practice, practice.
- have a couple shots. (tequila)
- Be
funny!funnier. - sign up for armature night at local comedy club.
- get discover.
- become famous.
- get own talk show.
*I wonder what the author of this prompt would think if he read my post.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Come Alive #Trust30
If you had one week left to live, would you still be doing what you’re doing now? In what areas of your life are you preparing to live? Take them off your To Do list and add them to a To Stop list. Resolve to only do what makes you come alive.
Bonus: How can your goals improve the present and not keep you in a perpetual “always something better” spiral?
Firstly, If I only had a week left I obviously would change up my daily routine (and immediately quit my job). Although, now that I am thinking about it I am not really sure what I else I would do. So now I have to challenge myself to determine what does make me come alive. Being around my friends is definitely up there,drinking, laughing and making others laugh, and planning parties/events. I love me a good party. Watching the whole thing come together, and witnessing everyone have a great time because I helped organize an environment in which people actually enjoy themselves. To that is wonderful.
But, I don't think I would want to spend my last week alive planning a party for all my friends, although maybe I would. Because to be honest (sadly) I do tend to like things more when I do them, and when they are about me.
This doesn't really seem to be sounding like a way for me to discover a new way of living. I think the only thing it has made me realize is that I actually do really enjoy planning events, because prior to this post I had convinced myself that that part of me was over. I guess it really isn't. I have a surge of creative energy rushing through me now as I type.
So that's cool.
Bonus: How can your goals improve the present and not keep you in a perpetual “always something better” spiral?
Firstly, If I only had a week left I obviously would change up my daily routine (and immediately quit my job). Although, now that I am thinking about it I am not really sure what I else I would do. So now I have to challenge myself to determine what does make me come alive. Being around my friends is definitely up there,
But, I don't think I would want to spend my last week alive planning a party for all my friends, although maybe I would. Because to be honest (sadly) I do tend to like things more when I do them, and when they are about me.
This doesn't really seem to be sounding like a way for me to discover a new way of living. I think the only thing it has made me realize is that I actually do really enjoy planning events, because prior to this post I had convinced myself that that part of me was over. I guess it really isn't. I have a surge of creative energy rushing through me now as I type.
So that's cool.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Farewell To The Rut
Looking back at this last year I would say that I have definitely been in a rut, the ruttiest of ruts. But, I am turning over a new leaf. I must say that I am embarrassed and ashamed of who I have let myself become. How I was acting is not even who I am. I have been so negative and unhappy, and that is just not me.
I really felt that I was in such a low point in my life mostly because I don't have the job I want, and it frustrating to the point of tears. But, I am tired of being that depressed, sad person. I like being happy. I miss being happy.
I have been talking some big initiatives like volunteering a the American Heart Association doing their social media and media impression. I absolutely love being there a bazillion times more then being at myreal other job. I just know there is another non-profit out there just waiting to hire me.
Just to update I am doing a superb job on keeping up with my current set of goals. And, am happy to say that I have ever intention of keeping it that way.
Also, I am becoming more and more savvy about Twitter and I am loving it. It is amazing to me when someone I don't know follows me and tweets me. I find it incredible, and I love it. Mostly because I love meeting new people and learning about them, and it is a whole new window into the lives of others.
So, goodbye rut of my life. I will not longer play prisoner to you. I am liberating myself away from self-pity and self-loathing. I love me. (smileyface)
- An uncomfortable situation or place, of which there is no easy way out.
- A low point in one's life. It can be boring, sad, or frustrating.
Looking back at this last year I would say that I have definitely been in a rut, the ruttiest of ruts. But, I am turning over a new leaf. I must say that I am embarrassed and ashamed of who I have let myself become. How I was acting is not even who I am. I have been so negative and unhappy, and that is just not me.
I really felt that I was in such a low point in my life mostly because I don't have the job I want, and it frustrating to the point of tears. But, I am tired of being that depressed, sad person. I like being happy. I miss being happy.
I have been talking some big initiatives like volunteering a the American Heart Association doing their social media and media impression. I absolutely love being there a bazillion times more then being at my
Just to update I am doing a superb job on keeping up with my current set of goals. And, am happy to say that I have ever intention of keeping it that way.
Also, I am becoming more and more savvy about Twitter and I am loving it. It is amazing to me when someone I don't know follows me and tweets me. I find it incredible, and I love it. Mostly because I love meeting new people and learning about them, and it is a whole new window into the lives of others.
So, goodbye rut of my life. I will not longer play prisoner to you. I am liberating myself away from self-pity and self-loathing. I love me. (smileyface)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
#Trust30 is an online initiative and 30-day writing challenge that encourages you to look within and trust yourself. Use this as an opportunity to reflect on your now, and to create direction for your future. 30 prompts from inspiring thought-leaders will guide you on your writing journey.
June 4, 2011
Not everyone wants to travel the world, but most people can identify at least one place in the world they’d like to visit before they die. Where is that place for you, and what will you do to make sure you get there?
Well, this is such an easy prompt for me today. Besides living on the beach coast of Georgia, the one other place I dream of being in is the UK. I really don't have any preference on what part, I just know I love UK. I love the X Factor, I love Cheryl Cole, Joe McElderry, Cher Lloyd, and many, many others.
I love the way people talk, I love their humor, and I know that I would be accepted with open arms in their country. But, I am so un-talented that I can't even do a British accent, and I desperately wish I could. I think if I lived their then I could develop one naturally like Madonna.
June 3, 2011
Identify one of your biggest challenges at the moment (ie I don’t feel passionate about my work) and turn it into a question (ie How can I do work I’m passionate about?) Write it on a post-it and put it up on your bathroom mirror or the back of your front door. After 48-hours, journal what answers came up for you and be sure to evaluate them.
My Post-It say "I am ready to find a job w/meaning - Glenner"
June 2, 2011
The world is powered by passionate people, powerful ideas, and fearless action. What’s one strong belief you possess that isn’t shared by your closest friends or family? What inspires this belief, and what have you done to actively live it?
"One Strong Belief "
Aside from poverty and hunger, one of my greatest passions in life is watching the TV show Roseanne. I love it. I always have, and I always will. I find that most of the problems I face in my life can be related to just about any and every episode of Roseanne. I have found myself many times getting so emotionally involved that I end up in tears (or laughing so loud that I disturb the neighbors).
One Episode that always gets me is the one where both Roseanne and Dan are working so much (common is a low-income homes) that they rely on Becky and Darleen to take care of the house and their younger brother DJ. Toward the end of the episode Roseanne is telling DJ to go to bed and he is acting kind of sad so she ask what's wrong and he just shakes his head, so she asked again to which he replies "I haven't said anything in two day".
It really is an incredible and revolutionary show. Lucky for me and all of America that all 9 seasons are available on Netflix for easy viewing. I try to share this passion with as many people that I can, because not only is it hilarious, but also brings meaning and appreciation to the challenges that so many low-income families face.
So if you get a chance, you should definitely watch. I would if I were you.
June 1, 2011
If ‘the voyage of the best ship is a zigzag line of a hundred tacks,’ then it is more genuine to be present today than to recount yesterdays. How would you describe today using only one sentence?
Today is June, and it is new and full of hope.
May 31, 2011
You just discovered you have fifteen minutes to live.
1. Set a timer for fifteen minutes.
2. Write the story that has to be written
"15 Minutes To Live"
Coming Soon...
June 4, 2011
Not everyone wants to travel the world, but most people can identify at least one place in the world they’d like to visit before they die. Where is that place for you, and what will you do to make sure you get there?
Well, this is such an easy prompt for me today. Besides living on the beach coast of Georgia, the one other place I dream of being in is the UK. I really don't have any preference on what part, I just know I love UK. I love the X Factor, I love Cheryl Cole, Joe McElderry, Cher Lloyd, and many, many others.
I love the way people talk, I love their humor, and I know that I would be accepted with open arms in their country. But, I am so un-talented that I can't even do a British accent, and I desperately wish I could. I think if I lived their then I could develop one naturally like Madonna.
June 3, 2011
Identify one of your biggest challenges at the moment (ie I don’t feel passionate about my work) and turn it into a question (ie How can I do work I’m passionate about?) Write it on a post-it and put it up on your bathroom mirror or the back of your front door. After 48-hours, journal what answers came up for you and be sure to evaluate them.
My Post-It say "I am ready to find a job w/meaning - Glenner"
June 2, 2011
The world is powered by passionate people, powerful ideas, and fearless action. What’s one strong belief you possess that isn’t shared by your closest friends or family? What inspires this belief, and what have you done to actively live it?
"One Strong Belief "
Aside from poverty and hunger, one of my greatest passions in life is watching the TV show Roseanne. I love it. I always have, and I always will. I find that most of the problems I face in my life can be related to just about any and every episode of Roseanne. I have found myself many times getting so emotionally involved that I end up in tears (or laughing so loud that I disturb the neighbors).
One Episode that always gets me is the one where both Roseanne and Dan are working so much (common is a low-income homes) that they rely on Becky and Darleen to take care of the house and their younger brother DJ. Toward the end of the episode Roseanne is telling DJ to go to bed and he is acting kind of sad so she ask what's wrong and he just shakes his head, so she asked again to which he replies "I haven't said anything in two day".
It really is an incredible and revolutionary show. Lucky for me and all of America that all 9 seasons are available on Netflix for easy viewing. I try to share this passion with as many people that I can, because not only is it hilarious, but also brings meaning and appreciation to the challenges that so many low-income families face.
So if you get a chance, you should definitely watch. I would if I were you.
June 1, 2011
If ‘the voyage of the best ship is a zigzag line of a hundred tacks,’ then it is more genuine to be present today than to recount yesterdays. How would you describe today using only one sentence?
Today is June, and it is new and full of hope.
May 31, 2011
You just discovered you have fifteen minutes to live.
1. Set a timer for fifteen minutes.
2. Write the story that has to be written
"15 Minutes To Live"
Coming Soon...
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
June, June is #winning
So I have made a conscious decision that (thanks in part to @samdavidson http://samdavidson.net/) June is going to be the month that I (once again, but for real this time) get my life in order, proper order, successful order.
May as you know was horrific, a complete failure of a month (at least for me). But, It seems like many months leading up to May were not that great either, just that May was so bad I wanted to be institutionalized.
But June, June has so many things going for it! I have made a list of goals that are specifically for the month of June. I might add that I am very serious about staying committed and achieving my goal this month. I'm excited!
Goals for JUNE!
Also I just joined a challenge called #Trust30 on twitter. I am suppose to write something everyday. But I thinking I am just going to use my twitter account @glen_evans for this challenge, but we will see.
Fresh start! (hurray me!)
Also, I just wanted to add my latest obsession Ally McBeal. Thank you Netfilx. It is funny because I actually remember watching every episode. As a child she inspired me to become a lawyer, I didn't follow through on it, but that's obviously no surprise to anyone following my blog.
May as you know was horrific, a complete failure of a month (at least for me). But, It seems like many months leading up to May were not that great either, just that May was so bad I wanted to be institutionalized.
But June, June has so many things going for it! I have made a list of goals that are specifically for the month of June. I might add that I am very serious about staying committed and achieving my goal this month. I'm excited!
Goals for JUNE!
- Gym 3x a week
- $ave-$ave-$ave! (money)
- Blog once a week (at least)
- Get a new job, one with meaning
- Stay in (as in away from the bar)
Also I just joined a challenge called #Trust30 on twitter. I am suppose to write something everyday. But I thinking I am just going to use my twitter account @glen_evans for this challenge, but we will see.
Fresh start! (hurray me!)
Also, I just wanted to add my latest obsession Ally McBeal. Thank you Netfilx. It is funny because I actually remember watching every episode. As a child she inspired me to become a lawyer, I didn't follow through on it, but that's obviously no surprise to anyone following my blog.
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